We are selling limited items shoes! All these shoes export to other countries such as US,JAPAN,EUROPE,SAUDI ARAB and etc.These additonal stocks are direct from factory and please note they are not rejected items or replica. These are "BRAND NEW" and additional stocks which the factory manufactured.
We accept Deposit to Maybank account / Standard Chartered account and online banking. Once receive payment it takes 2 working days to courier out the items.
Shipping Cost
1 pair - RM7.50 / Sabah & Sarawak - RM9.00 Combine shipping - RM5.00 for additional pair / Sabah & Sarawak - RM7. All items are send out by POSLAJU!
For Your Information
Please take note that not all items comes in Original packaging.Shoes that does not comes in Original boxes will be replaced by normal shoe boxes.Besides that,do let me know if you need a shoe bag it's F.O.C.